How To Create SCCM Device Collections via Powershell

Jason Barrett Jason Barrett | | ConfigMgr

In this article I will show you how you can use powershell to create device collections in bulk using the New-CMDeviceCollection command.

I have built a lot of SCCM environments and one thing I do is create around 200 custom device collections.  So I have created a powershell scrip which I use to create these device collections which I will share with you today.  I will place the full script I use at the bottom of this article.

Create SCCM Device Collections via Powershell

To Create SCCM Device Collections via Powershell follow these steps

Step 1 : Create Powershell Script

First we will need to create the powershell script which will hold the variables for the device collections we are going to create.

  1. Open Windows Powershell ISE
  2. Copy the below script
    # Set Site Code
    $SiteCode = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSITE
    Set-Location “$($SiteCode.Name):”#Create Software Update Folder
    New-Item -Name ‘Software Updates’ -Path “$($SiteCode.Name):\DeviceCollection”#Create Schedule
    $ScheduleWeekly = New-CMSchedule -Start “01/01/2017 07:00 PM” -DayOfWeek Sunday -RecurCount 1powershell script
    The lines 2 to 3 will get the SCCM site code, Do not edit these lines# Set Site Code
    $SiteCode = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSITE
    Set-Location “$($SiteCode.Name):”The line 6 will create a folder called Software Updates in the root of device collections, Rename Software Updates with the folder name you require#Create Software Update Folder
    New-Item -Name ‘Software Updates‘ -Path “$($SiteCode.Name):\DeviceCollection”device collections software updates 
  3. The Line 9 will set the variable for the device collection update.
  4. Replace 07:00 PM with the time you want the update to happen.
  5. You can also change Sunday with the day you want the update to happen.#Create Schedule
    $ScheduleWeekly = New-CMSchedule -Start “01/01/2017 07:00 PM” -DayOfWeek Sunday -RecurCount 1

Step 2 : Create A Device Collection With Direct Membership

To create a device collection with direct membership with no members in it enter the below powershell code.

#Create Device Collection “SU 01 | Disable software Updates”
$NewCollection01 = New-CMDeviceCollection -Name “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” -LimitingCollectionName “All Systems” -RefreshType Both -RefreshSchedule $ScheduleWeekly
Move-CMObject -FolderPath “.\DeviceCollection\Software Updates” -InputObject $NewCollection01

  1. on Line 12 change “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” to the name you want to give the device collection
  2. Change “All Systems” to the limiting collection you wish to use
  3. The Refreshtype is set to both (Incremental and Full updates) or you can set to -RefreshType Periodic (Only Full Updates)

$NewCollection01 = New-CMDeviceCollection -Name “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” -LimitingCollectionName “All Systems” -RefreshType Both -RefreshSchedule $ScheduleWeekly

  1. The below code will move the device collection to the Software Updates folder, change Software Updates to the folder you require

Move-CMObject -FolderPath “.\DeviceCollection\Software Updates” -InputObject $NewCollection01

Step 3 : Create A Device Collection With Query Membership

To create a device collection with a query membership via powershell use the following command

Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionName “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” -QueryExpression “select SMS_R_System.ResourceId, SMS_R_System.ResourceType, SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.SMSUniqueIdentifier, SMS_R_System.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_System.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_TPM on SMS_G_System_TPM.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId” -RuleName “TPM Information”

  1. Replace “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” with the device collection name you wish to create
  2. Replace the query with the query you wish to use. Make sure the query goes inside the two “”
  3. Replace “TPM Information” with the description you wish to give the rule

Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionName “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” -QueryExpression “select SMS_R_System.ResourceId, SMS_R_System.ResourceType, SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.SMSUniqueIdentifier, SMS_R_System.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_System.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_TPM on SMS_G_System_TPM.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId” -RuleName “TPM Information

Step 4 : Bulk Add Devices In To Device Collection

To bulk add devices in to a sccm device collection follow these steps

  1. Create a .txt file on your machine and add the devices you wish to add to the device collection
  2. Run the following powershell script replacing C:\Devices.txt with the path to your .txt file and also replace the Collection Name
  3. Get-Content “C:\Devices.txt” | foreach { Add-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionName “Collection Name” -ResourceID (Get-CMDevice -Name $_).ResourceID }

Step 5 : Include Device Collection Membership Rule To Device Collection

To add an include device collection membership to a device collection via powershell use the following code

Add-CMDeviceCollectionIncludeMembershipRule -CollectionName “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” -IncludeCollectionName “All Windows 10 Devices”

include device collection

  1. Replace “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” with the collection you wish to update.
  2. Replace “All Windows 10 Devices” with the device collection you want to include.

Add-CMDeviceCollectionIncludeMembershipRule -CollectionName “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” -IncludeCollectionName “All Windows 10 Devices

Step 6 : Exclude Device Collection Membership Rule To Device Collection

To exclude device collection membership to a device collection via powershell use the following code

Add-CMDeviceCollectionExcludeMembershipRule -CollectionName “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” -excludeCollectionName “All Windows 2012 Devices”

exclude device collection

  1. Replace “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” with the collection you wish to update.
  2. Replace “All Windows 2012 Devices” with the device collection you want to exclude.

Add-CMDeviceCollectionExcludeMembershipRule -CollectionName “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” -excludeCollectionName “All Windows 2012 Devices

Full Script Used

Below is the script that I currently use.  Feel free to copy and use it.  If you have any questions about anything in this article please post about it in a comment below


# Set Site Code
$SiteCode = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSITE
Set-Location “$($SiteCode.Name):”

#Create Software Update Folder
New-Item -Name ‘Software Updates’ -Path “$($SiteCode.Name):\DeviceCollection”

#Create Schedule
$ScheduleWeekly = New-CMSchedule -Start “01/01/2017 07:00 PM” -DayOfWeek Sunday -RecurCount 1
$ScheduleWeekly2 = New-CMSchedule -Start “01/01/2017 07:00 PM” -DayOfWeek Monday -RecurCount 1

#Create Device Collection With Direct Membership “SU 01 | Disable software Updates”
$NewCollection01 = New-CMDeviceCollection -Name “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” -LimitingCollectionName “All Systems” -RefreshType Both -RefreshSchedule $ScheduleWeekly
Move-CMObject -FolderPath “.\DeviceCollection\Software Updates” -InputObject $NewCollection01
Get-Content “C:\Devices.txt” | foreach { Add-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionName “Collection Name” -ResourceID (Get-CMDevice -Name $_).ResourceID }

#Create Device Collection With Query Membership “SU 01 | Disable software Updates Query”
$NewCollection02 = Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionName “SU 01 | Disable software Updates Query” -QueryExpression “select SMS_R_System.ResourceId, SMS_R_System.ResourceType, SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.SMSUniqueIdentifier, SMS_R_System.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_System.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_TPM on SMS_G_System_TPM.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId” -RuleName “TPM Information”
Move-CMObject -FolderPath “.\DeviceCollection\Software Updates” -InputObject $NewCollection02

#Include Device Collection Membership Rule To Device Collection
Add-CMDeviceCollectionIncludeMembershipRule -CollectionName “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” -IncludeCollectionName “All Windows 10 Devices”

#Exclude Device Collection Membership Rule To Device Collection
Add-CMDeviceCollectionExcludeMembershipRule -CollectionName “SU 01 | Disable software Updates” -excludeCollectionName “All Windows 2012 Devices”